
Boy lolita syles

Kita ganti ke bahasa indo dulu yah..

Selain cewe, di Jepang juga banyak cowo yang berdandan lolita. Sekarang gw mau ngebahas tentang boy lolita style ato lebih dikenal dengan kodona/ouji lolita/ dandy lolita..
Dandy lolita mirip sama gothic lolita. Ouji diambil dari bahasa Jepang yang artinya pangeran. Sebenarnya, ouji lolita ini dipengaruhi jaman victoria.Beberapa contoh pakaian yang bagus dijual oleh Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's line Alice dan the Pirates. Walaupun diperuntukkan untuk cowo, ouji lolita juga digunakan oleh cewe(tapi yang versi feminimnya..)
Kalo buat cewe, biasanya mereka make topi supaya kalo yang berambut panjang bisa ketutup topi ( disembunyiin di dalam topinya). Make up yang dipakai biasanya tipis, tapi memakai eye shadow warna hitam di sekitar mata..
Ini contoh kodona versi cewe..


Lolita Style Update

みんな さん こんにちわ! ^^

If you want to see the subtypes of Lolita style, here's one more link for you

EGL memories

良い一日を! ^^


Style #2: Lolita

So, dear princesses, let's turn over to our next fabulous style, the Lolita style.
Lolita fashion is mainly recognized by its frilly and poofy skirts inspired by the classic style of Victorian/Roccoco era. The main components of a Lolita style are poofy skirt or jumperskirt paired with a white or black blouse, knee-high socks, headdress or bonnet, gloves and mary jane shoes.

There are many subdivisions of Lolita style. The most popular ones are Gothic Lolita, Sweet Lolita, Punk Lolita and Elegant Gothic Lolita. For more detailed information, you can click here

Here are some examples of Lolita styles

Those are some examples of Lolita outfits. If you'd like to get a really good reference of Lolita style, I suggest you to buy the Gothic & Lolita Bible. They have all the pictures, shop lists, artists, even recipes and craft guides for you (visit Kinokuniya again, dear! ^^). And again, I have to remind you that this magazine is expensive. If you want a cheaper one, I suggest KERA! for you. They also provides the Lolita style reference.

Or if you don't want to spend money at all, you can visit these sites. They provide such a great information for those who are interested in Lolita style, especially for beginners.

Lolita Handbook

Avant Gauche

EGL memories

If you want to follow this Lolita style, maybe you're wondering how can you purchase those frilly and nice dresses while there is no shop which sells such outfit right here. Indeed, it's quite difficult to follow Lolita fashion. The stuff are kind of rare to be found, and it needs lots of money to buy such high-detailed dresses like those you've seen in the pictures. Moreover, it is also considered strange by people so it might be awkward to dress in complete Lolita outfit while hanging out in shopping malls, cafes, or any other public places. But well, everything can be handled with a touch of creativity. You can make a Lolita headdress by your own, or maybe you can ask a seamstress to make it if you can't sew.

For the blouses, you can find it at any boutique in your place. The shoes are sometimes available in the bazaar held in an anime convention or Japanese youth event. And for the skirts, you can ask a seamstress to sew it for you. Let your creativity flow, dear princesses! Find tutorials and references from the web, and try to put what you've learned into practice during your free time or school holiday. Rather than wasting your time for useless things, creating handmade Lolita accessories is considered way better. So, open up your mind, find your favorite Lolita style, and begin to craft! ^^


Style #1: Decora

So, maybe you're wondering what is Decora?

Decora is one of the most famous street style among Japanese youth, mostly recognized by their childish look. Decora style mainly consists of bright-colored outfits in two or more layers (often mized in different colors), colorful leg warmers or socks, tons of accessories such as colorful necklaces, bracelets, hair clips, and sometimes they even use small toys as additional accesories. Moreover, many of them wear pajama as their clothes. For more details, you can take a look at these pictures below

Those are the examples of Decora look. This style is sometimes also mixed with the Sweet Lolita or Oshare Kei look (further information will be included later). For a good reference, I recommend you to buy a Japanese fashion magazine such as FRUiTS or KERA!.

For a comparation, this is how FRUiTSlooks (note: FRUiTSonly consists of pictures)

And these are the examples of KERA! magazine

To buy either FRUiTS or KERA!, you can visit Kinokuniya bookstore. They provide many Japanese fashion magazines, and also Japanese music magazines (I always visit Kinokuniya to buy KERA! ^^). Those magazines are amazingly fabulous, yet also expensive. So I suggest you to bring more money while visiting Kinokuniya or you'll get home empty-handed like I often do T.T

If you don't want to spend lots of money just to get a reference on how the style looks like, you can search through Google, Yahoo!, or anywhere else you want to. The most important thing in Decora style is experiment. Do many experiments of mixing and matching all the colorful stuff in your wardrobe. The next tip is confidence. Perhaps you'll find out that it's rather embarrassing to dress in Decora style while hanging out in malls because it's considered queer and unusual by people who doesn't know the style. My suggestion is, find a friend or more who is also interested in the style so that you can hang out together without feeling too embarrassed. Or if you can't find any, pursue your friends then! Guide them to enter the colorful world of Decora, and who knows if they fall in love with the style in the end? <3


いらっしゃいませ! -welcome!-

もしもし, みんな さん! Welcome to the Japanese Street Style blog. We'll provide you tons of information about the street style among Japanese youths, especially to Gothic Lolita and Visual Kei. There will be heaps of interesting pictures and useful links. So please everyone, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy your trip to the amazing world of Japanese street fashion! ^^